Derichebourg Umwelt GmbH
Rotterdamer Straße 111
Suchbegriffe: Recycling Entsorgungsunternehmen
Branchen: Recycling, Entsorgungsunternehmen
Commited to serving mankind and the environment
Derichebourg is a major player working for companies and local authorities on an international scale. It offers a complete and integrated range of services in 3 complementary sectors: environmental services (recycling, conversion, etc.), services to businesses (hygiene, energy, temporary placements, etc.) and airport services.
Recycling of end of life goods and waste management
Derichebourg Environment offers businesses and local authorities a complete and integrated range of environmental services:
• Recycling and recovery of end of life consumer and capital goods (cars no longer in use, electric and electronic equipment, etc.), salvage materials and production waste,
• Management of standard industrial waste: collection, sorting, processing, recycling and conversion,
• Management of household waste (traditional and selective collection, waste sorting and transfer, dump management, etc.),
• Urban hygiene (floor sweeping and cleaning, graffiti removal, bin and container management, etc.).
Derichebourg Environnement possesses highly effective industrial and logistical facilities that integrate every stage of waste recovery (ferrous and non ferrous metals, plastics, tyres, etc.) from collection to the marketing of recycled products.
Business services
Derichebourg Multiservices is a major player on the European market for services to businesses and local authorities, including reception services, services to airline companies and constructors, energy, temporary placements, handling, hygiene: Derichebourg Multiservices offers a wide array of services supported by expertise of the highest quality that contributes directly to improving customer performance.
With over 24,300 qualified staff and over 250 branches in Europe, Derichebourg Multiservices has all the skills and operational resources necessary to optimise the management of the services with which it is entrusted.
A major player in airport services around the world
Originating from the merger of several companies specializing in airport support services, Servisair is today a world leader in its field. Its global range of services to airport hubs and airline companies covers six complementary domains: handling, cargo, airport passenger services and services to airport infrastructures, fuel management and maintenance of runway equipment.