Verbrauchsmaterialien und Zubehör für Kopierer
Katun Germany GmbH
Katun ist der unschlagbare Partner für die komplexe und sich ständig verändernde Bürogeräteindustrie. Zu unserem umfassenden Angebot an Produkten und Zubehör für Kopierer, Drucker, Imaging-Technologie, Fotorezeptoren und Service-Zubehör gehört auch eine immer größer werdende Reihe von Farbtonern für Digitalkopierer/-drucker und eine breite Palette von Laserkartuschen für Drucker, Faxgeräte und multifunktionale Peripheriegeräte. Katun ist die erste Wahl für Bürogerätehändler und -lieferanten, die vom immensen Nutzen durch hochwertige, OEM-äquivalente Produkte und Zubehör profitieren.

Your Trusted Business Partner for Quality Products, Cost Savings, Customer Support and Innovation
For the past three decades, Katun has been one of the world’s leading providers of OEM-compatible imaging supplies, photoreceptors, and parts for copiers, printers, MFPs and other imaging equipment. From our humble beginnings in 1979, we pioneered and helped legitimize the imaging supplies aftermarket. Today, we serve 16,000 customers in 135 countries from our headquarters in Minneapolis and dozens of worldwide locations. We Are In Business For You
With a new economic reality and a landscape of rapidly changing technologies, markets and customer expectations, Katun is developing the programs, products and solutions you need to stabilize your business, increase your profitability and meet tomorrow’s challenges.
In addition to providing parts and supplies for your legacy monochrome machines, we’ll help you discover new revenue streams and increase profits with new-build and remanufactured printer products, while also meeting the changing demands of your existing customers with our large and growing selection of high-quality color parts and supplies. Katun is the perfect complement to your OEM; providing value when and where you need it most.
As you prepare to meet tomorrow’s challenges, rest assured that we are working hard for you. It’s how we’ve earned your trust in the past and how we will continue to earn your trust in the future. Our Mission is to Be Your Trusted Partner
It is Katun’s mission to be the world’s best and most-trusted OEM-alternative source for office equipment imaging supplies and parts. Our goal is to provide our customers with the optimal combination of high quality, cost savings, innovation, and support to enable their businesses to grow and prosper – with Katun regarded as their invaluable and trusted business partner.
Our Legacy: Providing Unsurpassed Value
More than three decades ago the arrival of Katun altered the office equipment landscape and helped legitimize the aftermarket, becoming a viable OEM alternative resource where a customer could find trusted, reliable products at a great value. As we move forward through our fourth decade, we have broadened our product offering to meet your needs in the printer and color arenas. With that, we have renewed our commitment to being a strong partner for you, one which you can trust to deliver quality, service and value for the next three decades… and beyond. Our Management Team
Katun’s management team is comprised of highly skilled, experienced professionals who understand the intricacies of the imaging industry. This team leads our company as we help our customers meet the challenges of changing markets and technologies – all with the goal of helping their businesses succeed. Service Levels That Meet and Exceed Your Expectations
Understanding the pace of business today and the intense competitive pressures you face, Katun provides fast, convenient ordering and rapid, dependable product delivery. Whether you place your order via our online catalog (available 24 hours a day), or via phone, fax or e-mail to one of our many service centers worldwide, it is processed quickly and accurately. Katun maintains an industry-leading order fill rate, and representatives have 24-hour, real-time access to critical information such as stock availability and order status.